Programme Overview
Money laundering is a problem of global concern, requiring concerted and cooperative action on the part of a broad range of stakeholders. Development banks’ principal contributions to the fight against money laundering have been in their work to promote stronger financial, economic, and legal systems in general. Strengthened supervisory systems and robust legal and institutional framework for financial institutions help prevent a broad range of financial sector abuses, including money laundering. Development banks use tools such as surveillance, conditionality and technical assistance to promote the safety and soundness of the financial system and to create an environment that prevents financial system abuse, including money laundering and terrorist financing.
Programme Objective
To provide a robust, comprehensive and leading practice insight into the world of AML /CFT in development banking environment. By the end of the programme each participant will be able to:
- Know the legal and regulatory frameworks guiding AML/CFT in Nigeria
- Be able to define money laundering and terrorist financing, as well as learn the stages of money laundering
- Gain insights into the relationship between money laundering and terrorist financing
- Explore the role of development bank in the fight against money laundering
- Learn development bank’s activities relevant to the combating of ML and TF
- Examine the measures to facilitate the implementation of AML/CFT standards in development banks
- Explore Know your employee (KYE) requirements
- Understand how to monitor, recognise and respond to suspicious transactions
Programme Coverage
- Legal and regulatory framework guiding AML/CFT in Nigeria
- Introduction to money laundering and terrorist financing
- The role of development banks in the fight against ML and TF
- Development banks’ activities relevant to the combating of ML and TF
- Measures to facilitate the implementation of AML/CFT standards in development banks
- Assessing risks and applying a risk-based approach to AML/CFT
- Monitoring, recognising and responding to suspicious transactions
- Monitoring employee conduct
- Tipping off
- Recordkeeping and retention
- Protection of employees who report suspicious transactions, activities and violations
- Money laundering and terrorist financing “red flags
- Case study and discussions
Who Should Attend?
- All employees
- AML and Compliance Officers
- Internal Auditors responsible for AML/CFT programme and function’s review
Duration: 3 – 4 hours (In-house/In-plant only)
Date: As agreed with our client
Programme fee: As negotiated
Key benefits: Deep understanding of AML/CFT in development banks, programme materials and certificate of participation