Programme Overview
The flow of illicit funds can damage the stability and reputation of any country’s financial system, while terrorism and terrorist financing endanger the lives of individuals in such countries. Criminals do constantly search for loopholes within a financial system, particularly financial institutions, in order to legalise illicitly acquired funds. Terrorism has caused a lot of pains to many people due to loss of lives and wanton destruction of properties. Terrorist financing may also pass through financial institutions, through other methods or even legally acquired money may be used for terrorist financing.
Money Laundering and terrorist financing issues are high among the list of challenges facing financial institutions in the 21st century. As a result of the menace of the twin challenge of money laundering and terrorist financing, global bodies like FATF and the Wolfsberg Group and local regulatory bodies such as the CBN, SEC and NAICOM have documented steps to be taken by financial institutions to prevent the use of their institutions for money laundering and terrorist financing.
This highly interactive, compressed and intense three-day programme provides participants with opportunity to learn leading practices techniques for designing and implementing robust risk-based approach (RBA) to AML/CFT.
Participants will learn through our blended learning approach, including presentations, case studies, role plays, insights from real-world AML practitioners and theoretical and empirical evidence on the benefits of adopting the RBA to AML/CFT.
Programme Objective
To provide a robust, comprehensive and leading practices insight into the world of AML/CFT. By the end of the programme each participant will be able to:
Understand the international context to AML/CFT
Know the legal and regulatory frameworks guiding AML/CFT in Nigeria
Define Money laundering and terrorist financing
Learn the three stages in the money laundering cycle and the risk-based approach to anti-money laundering
Explore the money laundering offences and predicate offences
Gain insight into the four European directives on AML
Understand how to manage the risk of money laundering and terrorist financing
Explore customer due diligence, know your customer, know your customer’s business, know your employee, enhanced due diligence and simplified due diligence
Appreciate the concept of politically exposed persons and the requirements for on-boarding PEPs
Discover how to conduct monitoring and ongoing monitoring on customers’ accounts and transactions
Learn the documentation required to identify and verify the different typologies of customers, including foundations, charitable organisations, clubs, associations, non-governmental organisations and foreign clients.
Gain insight into the concepts of STRs, CFTs, red-flags, and other reporting requirements, as well as record keeping.
We are first a research company, and everything we do, be it training or consulting, is based on research we have conducted ourselves or those conducted by others. So, we do not just train on the basis of emotions. Our training programmes are based on strong theoretical and empirical findings. These findings allow us to provide our programmes’ participants up to date perspective on areas of interest.
In addition, we are locals and we understand the business environment. We have a good blend of both consulting and real-world day-to-day practical business experience in Nigeria. We have folded our sleeves before and we can fold it for you. Indeed, we are not just trainers and facilitators, we have a good understanding of how things are done in practice in Nigeria. We pride ourselves to be subject matter experts (SMEs) in the areas we train on. If we cannot provide contemporary insights and in-depth knowledge on a particular subject area, then we would say it from the outset.
Furthermore, we have developed our competencies in a lot of areas and we can be a one-stop shop for your organisation in terms of consulting, training and research (qualitative or quantitative) in the areas of leadership, governance, strategy, change management, risk management, compliance, AML/CFT (for financial institution), ethics, team functionality, emotional intelligence, legendary customer service, internal control and standard operating procedures (SOPs) development. We also go out of our way to adopt the best model for each training programme we offer and we are even ready to go “Down Under” (Australia) if that is where we will find the best model. Aut Optimum Aut Nihil; this Latin maxim is not just a philosophy to us, we live it.
Finally, we have few partner firms in South Africa that we can occasionally collaborate with in areas where we need additional capacity.
Why Attend this Programme?
This programme provides you with a practical road map for embedding AML/CFT in your institutions. You will learn global and domestic approaches to fighting the twin menace of money laundering and terrorist financing. You will explore the roles of international bodies in AML/CFT and the legal and regulatory frameworks on AML/CFT in Nigeria. You will gain insights into how to manage the risk of money laundering and terrorist financing in your institution. There will be extensive discussions on the concept of suspicious transaction reporting, threshold reporting, political exposed persons, customer due diligence, enhanced due diligence and simplified due diligence. Practical approaches to conducting CDD/EDD on the different typologies of clients will be discussed and most of the discussions will be driven home with practical examples, exercises and case studies. The facilitators, who have been AML practitioners for so many years, will share their real-world experience on different subject areas of AML/CFT.
With this Programme, you will benefit from:
Condensed, 3-day AML/CFT training
Practical and frank discussions on AML/CFT practice in Nigeria and how to improve on the AML/CFT maturity and sophistication models
Real-world examples and suggestions for embedding AML/CFT in the work place
Risk-management-grounded and business-proven approaches
Out-of-the-offices focus on AML/CFT – away from distractions, phone calls, meetings and other interruptions