Board Governance Masterclass: The Effective Corporate Governance Practice Framework Model

Programme Overview

The fallout of the global financial crisis of 2008 brought to the fore the need for boards to govern more. Many corporate failures and corporate crisis both at home and abroad, most of which seemed avoidable, have raised the profile of board governance and regulators are now more eager than ever to hold the board accountable for its responsibilities. Companies do not fail: Boards do!

There is a growing expectation from stakeholders including institutional investors and regulators that board should monitor management as well as take full responsibility for the performance of their organisation. Boards are also required to “run an effective board.”

But, what does an effective board really means? There is little practical advice on how to develop a truly effective board.

This highly interactive, thought-provoking, compressed and intense six-day programme provides participants with the opportunity to learn a full-range corporate governance model, “The Corporate Governance Practice Framework Model.” Participants will gain insights into key board functions, board behavioural dynamics, board effectiveness, various governance roles and how to improve board process.

Participants will learn through our blended leading approach, including presentations, case studies, role plays, individual and group exercises, insights from a member of a well-functioning board on board governance and theoretical and practical evidence on board governance.

Programme Objective

To provide a robust and comprehensive insights into the world of board governance with a view to equipping programme participants with a practical guide to implementing leading practice Corporate Governance in their organisation. By the end of the programme, participants will be able to:

   Ensure their governance activities meet Nigerian law and extant regulations
   Define the key roles within governance
   Identify and operationalise the key functions a board must undertake, including CEO succession planning and remuneration
   Implement effective governance processes such as setting board agendas
   Recognise the behavioural dynamics that impede effective governance processes and decision making
   Learn how individual directors and boards will continually develop by following the principles laid down in this programme
   Understand the reasonable protection the law provides directors as they go about their duties
   Advise their organisation on how to select new directors and form a board
   Gain insights into contemporary issues in corporate Governance and solutions to constant governance problems
   Learn the board committee types and their responsibilities
   Understand how properly planned board evaluation and director remuneration, selection, induction and development lead to board effectiveness
   Appreciate the changing nature of corporate Governance
   Gain deep insights into the leading practice “Corporate Governance Practice Framework” model


We are first a research company, and everything we do, be it training or consulting, is based on research we have conducted ourselves or those conducted by others. So, we do not just train on the basis of emotions. Our training programmes are based on strong theoretical and empirical findings. These findings allow us to provide our programmes’ participants up to date perspectives on areas of interest.

In addition, we are locals and we understand the business environment. We have a good blend of both consulting and real-world day-to-day practical business experience in Nigeria. We have folded our sleeves before and we can fold it for you. Indeed, we are not just trainers and facilitators, we have a good understanding of how things are done in practice in Nigeria. We pride ourselves to be subject matter experts (SMEs) in the areas we train on. If we cannot provide contemporary insights and in-depth knowledge on a particular subject area, then we would say it from the outset.

Furthermore, we have developed our competences in a lot of areas and we can be a one-stop shop for your organisation in terms of consulting, training and research (qualitative or quantitative) in the areas of leadership, governance, strategy, change management, risk management, compliance, AML/CFT (for financial institution), ethics, team functionality, emotional intelligence, service excellence, internal control and standard operating procedures (SOPs) development. We also go out of our way to adopt the best model for each training programme we offer and we are even ready to go Down Under (Australia) if that is where we will find the best model. Aut Optimum Aut Nihil; this Latin maxim is not just a philosophy to us, we live it.

Finally, we have few partner firms in South Africa that we can occasionally collaborate with in areas where we need additional capacity.

Why attend this program?

This programme gives board members, aspiring board members and C-suite executives the opportunity to learn a leading practice and arguably the most comprehensive corporate governance model in the world today, the “Corporate Governance Practice Framework” model. You will learn contemporary issues in corporate governance, new ways in which boards, directors and their advisers can be effective, and ways to improve their governance processes and procedures. The programme provides tools, techniques, checklists, sample templates and practical examples that can be used by participants in their organisations. The programme also presents a sample corporate governance charter to assist all types of boards in developing their own governance policies and procedure.

With this programme, you will benefit from:

   Condensed, 6-day effective corporate governance practice framework training
   Proven strategies for defining governance roles, key board functions, board effectiveness and improving board processes
   Real-world examples and suggestions for dealing with board governance issues
   Out-of-the-office focus on board governance – away from distractions, phone calls, meetings and other interruptions 

Lagos, Nigeria

06 – 07 September, 2018

Fee (exclusive of tax) 
(US$3,070.95 for foreign participants)