Programme Overview
Do you run a progressive board? How does your board get things done? What tone does your board set for the organisation? Are ethical issues frankly and openly discussed? Are ethical considerations given to board decision making? These are critical questions that border on board leadership, culture and ethics.
Although “board leadership” has many facets, but one commonality with the term has to do with who leads the board. The personality of the person who leads the board and his or her relationship with the organisation’s stakeholders play crucial role in the success of the organisation. With this in mind, two critical questions come to play. Is the right chairman running the board? Is the right CEO running the organisation’s business operations? Culture and ethics are key ingredients to embed board ethical and effective leadership.
This highly interactive, compressed and intense two-day programme provides participants with the opportunity to learn why boards exist, board leadership, board culture and the ethical role of the board. Participants will gain insights into the changing world of board governance and the challenge of board leadership.
Participants will learn through our blended learning approach, including presentations, case studies, role plays, insights from a board member on board leadership, board culture and board ethical consideration.
Programme Objectives
To provide robust, comprehensive and deep insights into key issues that boards are about: leadership, culture and ethics. By the end of the programme each participant will be able to:
Learn key terms related to board governance
Explore the changing world of board governance
Appreciate the importance of board governance
Answer three critical questions progressive boards are normally confronted with; which relate to CEO’s appointment, robust succession planning and right strategy
Provide answers to the question of why boards exist
Gain insight into the world of board leadership and the challenge of board leadership
Learn about destructive directors
Discover how to communicate effectively with key organisational stakeholders, including shareholders and institutional investors
Understand the concept of board culture
Explore the concept of corporate ethical culture and the tone from the board
Discuss board dynamics and board decision-making
Learn about the power of a board’s collective wisdom
Understand how board members and organisational leaders embed and transmit culture
Why LeishTon Academy?
We are first a research company, and everything we do, be it training or consulting, is based on research we have conducted ourselves or those conducted by others. So, we do not just train on the basis of emotions. Our training programmes are based on strong theoretical and empirical findings. These findings allow us to provide our programmes’ participants up to date perspectives on areas of interest.
In addition, we are locals and we understand the business environment. We have a good blend of both consulting and real-world day-to-day practical business experience in Nigeria. We have folded our sleeves before and we can fold it for you. Indeed, we are not just trainers and facilitators, we have a good understanding of how things are done in practice in Nigeria. We pride ourselves to be subject matter experts (SMEs) in the areas we train on. If we cannot provide contemporary insights and in-depth knowledge on a particular subject area, then we would say it from the outset.
Furthermore, we have developed our competencies in a lot of areas and we can be a one-stop shop for your organisation in terms of consulting, training and research (qualitative or quantitative) in the areas of leadership, governance, strategy, change management, risk management, compliance, AML/CFT (for financial institution), ethics, team functionality, emotional intelligence, service excellence, internal control and standard operating procedures (SOPs) development. We also go out of our way to adopt the best model for each training programme we offer and we are even ready to go “Down Under” (Australia) if that is where we will find the best model. Aut Optimum Aut Nihil; this Latin maxim is not just a philosophy to us, we live it.
Finally, we have few partner firms in South Africa that we can occasionally collaborate with in areas where we need additional capacity.
Why Attend this Programme?
This programme gives you the opportunity to learn and refresh your learning on board leadership, board culture and board ethical considerations. You will also learn about the changing world of board governance and the challenge of board leadership.
With this programme, you will benefit from:
Condensed, 3-day board leadership, culture and ethics training
Proven leading practice approaches to embedding the right ethical culture
Real-world strategies to deal with issues relating to board leadership, culture and ethics
Effective leadership grounded and board-governance-proven approaches to creating a healthy board culture and effective ethical leadership
Out-of-the-office focus on board leadership, culture and ethics – away from distractions, phone calls, meetings and other interruptions