
The basis of leadership at LeishTon is purely knowledge. Anyone with critical knowledge that can help shape LeishTon’s direction can show leadership and be regarded as a leader. Thus, leadership at LeishTon is not about position and not limited to those at the top of the firm. It is really about individual employees and the difference they can make. Our leaders work to build the collective spirit; they lead by example and then reinforce those examples through story telling.

Although different people may view leadership from different perspectives, but good and successful leaders, in general, must be able to influence, inspire and motivate their people (direct reports or subordinates); must be able to set direction for their respective teams, organisations or country; and must be emotionally intelligent. This is the very minimum that would ensure good and successful leadership and this is the very minimum expected from LeishTon’s leaders.

We live the LeishTon’s Leadership value by:

    Being able to articulate our team’s vision;
Practising authentic leadership;
Providing vision and guidance;
Taking ownership;
Demonstrating transformational and servant leadership;
Being ready to coach and mentor junior colleagues;
Building a future for LeishTon’s people;
Being answerable for the consequences of our actions;
Being bridge builders;
Being charismatic and emotionally intelligent;
Exercising sound judgment; and
Being accountable and dependable, including being accountable for failure as well as success, and not allocating blame.